Caitlin McHugh is the executive director of the Penny Round Studio.

She began her study of Yoga in 1985, started teaching in 1996, and has been a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher since 2001. She is also a Vedic Chant Instructor- beginning her study of chanting, both of the Yoga Sutra-s of Patanjali and Vedic Chanting, with Sonia Nelson (long-term student of TKV Desikachar) in 2006.

Caitlin has traveled to India numerous times to study with noted teachers Gita and Prashant Iyengar (Yoga), Menaka Desikachar (Chanting), and with family members and students of Harish Johari (painting).

Her teaching style encourages  students to find their own knowing through breath and body awareness, while at the same time giving clear and grounded instruction. 

Caitlin avidly pursues topics that involve logic, voice, and color.